The Hostel is centrally located in the town.
5 minute walk to:Summer weather in Griffith is invariably hot with low humidity. Temperature range from 20 to 40+ degrees Celsius.
Griffith has its own Airport with daily services to Sydney and weekly flights to Melbourne. Griffith is also serviced by bus and train from most major centres.
The fruit-picking season starts in November and goes through until the end of April for summer citrus, grapes and prunes. The winter navel season runs from July through to November.
Harvest Period | Crop |
Dec-Mar | Prunes, Onions, Plums |
July-Nov | Navel Oranges, Cherries, Garlic |
Nov-Feb | Oranges, Melons, Prunes |
Jan-Mar | Grapes, Stone Fruit |
Jan-May | Pumpkins |
You should have a reserve of money that will cover the costs of living for one week in case the weather conditions delay picking or payday is a week after you start. All monies earnt are the responsibility of the farmer/contractor.
For the latest information please refer to the Griffith Visitors Centre.